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Showing posts from August, 2013

Grapho-therapy : Angle d'écriture

Hi, How are you!! If the answer is great then that is great!! O.k,..let me share something with you, before we dig into intricacies of graphology.  This is an example to show the human response pattern and its own way of working.  Read the below paragraph carefully and give a response to it. "In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads, Everyday, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake. 24 days OR 47 days?? Be honest to the immediate response that comes to your mind, & High five if you think it is 24 , I also thought that, but unfortunately that is wrong. Its our quick responding brain which is responsible for the false assumption. Those who were right (very few are)!!, ladies and gents you have a very alert bag of neurons up there. Wrong answeries find out for yourself, why the answer is 47. OK, no more dangling lets talk about ...

Hand Writing analysis of two legendary Women

Thank you for reading this!! Today, I am going to show you, some of my hand writing analysis samples. The hand writings to be analysed are of two legendary women who had enthralled the world with their beauty in their times.They laid examples that, you can be a social phenomena without any social media.  We have heard, read, googled a lot about them and that's why we know a lot about them, but it is interesting to see, what their hand writing has to say to us. As you see, similar to our body language, hand writing also gives us a way to dig the various layers of our subconscious mind. The analysis is completely my personal view and one may wish to agree/disagree, as there is no-way available to judge the validity of the statement. It's time to let you know the names of them...wait...let's see if you can guess the names. Here is a trivia of the lady about whom I am going to talk first; ... .. . "Her third husband Michael Todd g...

Change your handwriting to change your attitude

Thank you for reading this!! In this blog we will discuss on different aspects of graphology and grapho-therapy Grapho-therapy is a science of curing our negative bodily patterns; it comprises of simple technical changes in your hand writing, which will lead to tremendous behavioral shift in a positive way. As we begin, we will start it with a small but unique way. Just write down something about yourself (prefer a A4 size blank page) and try to fill up as many pages you can. If you are on the second page and still have something to write..buddy, you love yourself and that's great!!..but if you are half way across the first page and wondering what to friend, take a few days leave from your day to day work and explore yourself first, because somebody who doesn't know himself is not going to receive anything else. Write this up when your mind is at its utmost peaceful state during a day, and keep these pages well protected,...