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Showing posts from February, 2014

Coffee with Dr. Freud (Part-II) / Analyzing the Analyzer!!

Hello!!, How are you? I assume that you would also ask me...!!, because I have something in store to tell you. I got M A R R I E D !!! The process began with all the Shaktis in my family applying moist turmeric paste all over my face, I had to take rounds in a circle of cotton thread made by them..and so on. It was not like the things were done for me, they were done around me..the person is not the primary, the rituals are, they are more powerful, I felt that and seen it within all the attendees. It is the most wonderful thing to happen to you, may whatever be in your stock of experiences, you will be able to see if you want to see, those things beyond that can be seen. The rituals are the same, the pair of human changes.  we are really grateful that many of you showed interest in reading our blog while we were actively inactive with the outer world. We had to return to our 9-2-5's and I got back my moments of "When the boss is not looking" and 

How to give a sample for Grapho-analysis

Hello there!! Thank you for taking out time to read this write-up; I request all of you, if you want to understand your subconscious self, then come aboard, because its as vast as a sea, we have no mechanical engine, we have to explore all by our self, meditate and ask the universe to connect you to the power residing inside. I at the same time will try to help you in understanding your subconscious by analysing your hand writing. You know, the best sample of hand writing are those which are not written to be considered as a sample.What I mean by this is, when you just write down what you feel, you draw your emotional state in the paper, but deliberate attempt to give a sample makes it contagious to critical feeling of being analysed. Therefore make it as pure as possible, if you ask me I would say it would be great if your loved ones send your hand writing to be analysed and later explores it to you. How to give a sample for Grapho-analysis; Please submit the handwriting sample of