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Coffee with Dr. Freud (Part-II) / Analyzing the Analyzer!!

Hello!!, How are you?

I assume that you would also ask me...!!, because I have something in store to tell you.

I got M A R R I E D !!!

The process began with all the Shaktis in my family applying moist turmeric paste all over my face, I had to take rounds in a circle of cotton thread made by them..and so on. It was not like the things were done for me, they were done around me..the person is not the primary, the rituals are, they are more powerful, I felt that and seen it within all the attendees.

It is the most wonderful thing to happen to you, may whatever be in your stock of experiences, you will be able to see if you want to see, those things beyond that can be seen. The rituals are the same, the pair of human changes. 

we are really grateful that many of you showed interest in reading our blog while we were actively inactive with the outer world. We had to return to our 9-2-5's and I got back my moments of "When the boss is not looking" and applied the same here!! 

To bring about the topic of Dr. Freud, I must draw a blogological link with lines above, I had searched what Freud has to tell about marriage, and I was not let down, the man was never short of expressing weird preliminary psychological phenomenon on every subject.

If you ask the Dr., how is a successful marriage guaranteed?

Says Freud: “[when] the wife has succeeded in making her husband her child as well and in acting as a mother to him….”

Exactly!! The man was having a strong bondage with her mother, and I will show you the same evidences received from his handwriting, he surely was influenced by his personal life in creating psychological laws for the masses.

Upanishads tell us that, every knowledge is useful, but you continuously filter that to know something, after which nothing is left to know, knowing Freud is useful but when we get the chance to go beyond, we  must be ready to accept that.

Sigmund Freud the Genius Psychoanalyst, had his own whimsies, I don't have to say much; just see his quotes and you will find out;

#"Nature process beautiful elements that is why through evolution human beings are created".

#“Poets are masters of us ordinary men, in knowledge of the mind,

because they drink at streams which we have not yet made accessible to science.”

But then....

#"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all. That is something that you cannot say aloud, or perhaps even think".

Then again...

#“The liberty of the individual is no gift of civilization. It was greatest before there was any civilization.” 

Let us see some of his hand writing samples, which he had given me;

Here goes his signature sample; Before going any forward with the analysis, I must add that the handwriting samples are of Fountain pen and the same is not as easy to maneuver as a ball point pen, therefore the samples are not ideal samples as per graphology, but we will go ahead as we can't let go the chances to analyse Freud!!

#The main facet of the signature is to put a dot after m and thus limiting himself from inside. He was a smoker and the same was a reason behind the cancer in his Gum, he was not able to resist himself, but the application of restriction can be seen. No upper loop or lower loop whatsoever, these are the expressions of emotionally barren person.

Ooh, my phone is ringing with regular calls, and lunch break is almost over, I will be back soon, Stay with me!!


Yes I am Back, now here is a letter by the Dr;

The Foetus Formation/ Anirban/G-T-R

#I have placed this sample for revealing , one of my observation, which is independent on earlier research, it is called "The Foetus Formation". Sometimes the small 'd' and the  cursive capital I gets written as a single stroke design of the human Foetus. If you see the name to whom the letter is written , the d in the surname has the formation I am talking about. This signifies the person's strong attachment with his/her mother, and thus his theories could not escape from this feeling.
The next two samples were very illegible but I have used them to define one of his character traits;

#The first sample is organised compared to jeopardized scene in the next. These are proof of the whimsical nature of S.F, at one moment he is clear and at another all are jumbled up.  In the closest sample among the both, letters are unclear, it is evident that Freud was deliberately trying to hide something from the recipient of this letter. Also the understandable year in that letter is 1930, which is also the year of his mother's demise. The emotional unstable-ness explains that this might have been written after that incident

This sample above is presented here to compare, his early age signature with his later ones. Here it contains the designation at first, and we understand at this stage of life (Circa :1893), he was more associated with tag of a Dr., however the next sample is of 1925 and we can see the dot after 'm' is present. He could not stop smoking even after diagnosed having cancer in 1923, but the internal restriction started as explained earlier.

There are some facet which are common in all his writings, and I keyboard them down here;

#He is having Prolonged endings, which signifies tenacity, extravagance, desire for conquest,and when sometimes above the level termed as mania.

#Inward strokes at the beginning of words  angled into upper zone; he was having a probing mind, but sometime the lead in stroke is below the baseline and the same signifies blaming attitude. When we collaborate this with the long endings, it says that the person is sarcastic and having a bad temper.

So as a overview we see Dr. Freud as a Genius talent with probing mind, bad temper, whimsies and sarcastic nature but the genius of probing mind started the new dimension in psychoanalysis, and the same has over shadowed whatever repulsiveness he had.

Thank you for reading this, Thank you!! 


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