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My Role Model !!!

The legend whom I admire to be my role model, is admired by many, but it took a lot of bravery to write myself being a follower of the enormous persona.

Can we just announce about a person being my role model?

when we say he/she is our role model,we must be sure that it is not some false marketing trick you are playing with yourself. You understand the gravity of the statement, not just for a social applause you declare a fallacy. You are already walking on that path with love and conviction.

My Role Model is not a single person, rather they are two different people by there name, appearance, and everything worldly, But only one when we look at their thought system and their work.

Question arises that if you think both of them to be one, why follow them together?

Its because, when you look at both of their time span of work in this world, you get a era of 100 years of social revolution by Men , who were most clear regarding what is right.

What is right?

How can you explain something to be right, if everything, forget matters, if every emotion is one and the same, how can you explain, something as wrong. How can it be wrong if it begins from the same supreme power.

I have expressed my views in a recent post, that anger is a wrong practice, which is obviously not a complete truth.

Sometimes an answer to mind-boggling question can be understood from a simple answer, and the simplicity of thought increases with depth of knowledge. A simple explanation I have received from my Role Models,

-'If something is used towards making every matter, emotion, thought as one', then it is right. If anger is used to promote everything as one, then that anger is justified, What a daring statement!!

That is the essence of what Swami Vivekananda and Swami Ranganathananda worked through out there life-time, to make others brave. when you read their literature , you will feel the energy of love emanating from their words are working inside you.

Bravery is required to help others, it is the single most important trait to fight your personal desires. Similar to what Gandhiji told, that, it is the non-violence of the Brave that I am fond of. Only a brave does know how to love selflessly, otherwise on a track of loving others, your inner weaknesses will make you think about yourself.

I have studied in a school established by their Mission,& got the privilege of character building from child hood.We had exams based on their literature, I understood nothing at that juncture and rather read the day before exam, but steadily the thoughts were sediment'n in my brain. I remember how proud I used to feel for being truthful, where opting for a lie was the easy option. 

From the time I had a Wallet, I kept a Picture of Vivekananda at the holder, and day by day the attachment grew. During a period of my struggles to earn money,I used to get nightmares very often,and got back to sleep imagining Vivekananda is standing at the corner of my room and telling me to be strong.
Today you will rarely have a person speaking ill about Vivekananda. If somebody is not aware about his work, they at least know his name and heard that he was a brave monk. This all well persona is next to impossible in today's stage of information overload, information has attained salvation supplying positive and negative at a same level for an individual, there is never one sided news for anybody today!! 

'Information' surrendered !! It failed to challenge Swami Ranganathananda. He was not a person with higher education but with miraculous intellect. He has given lectures at parliaments of various Countries, his English articulation, preaching skills were lauded worldwide. His version of the 'Bhagvat Gita', includes explanation in sync with the highest foundlings of Physics and Biology. Its goes through the logical minds, it breaks the shell of limitations knowledge creates on you. Just hit the you tube and see his style of speaking, you will be able to feel the presence of power , conviction, truth around him.

When people worship them today, when thousands of devotees have food at their premises, it is hard to believe that there were days, when Ranganathanandaji was a cook of the Mysore math, when Swamiji did not get anything to eat, even slept outside ,they had to beg for food, but , it never disturbed them, it was never a point for worry as it is natural for a Sanyasi. But, When Swamiji had to manage his followers from their trips of allegation, when he had to take his investors into confidence, he felt hurt. He was so emerged bringing up the desolate beings, it broke his heart every time he had to invest energy elsewhere. 

Yes, its true!! The begging, the convincing, all of it. Though its hard to believe today, as all seems so organised, but that organisation became strong with dust of their ash in every brick of the wall. 



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