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How to give a sample for Grapho-analysis

Hello there!!

Thank you for taking out time to read this write-up;

I request all of you, if you want to understand your subconscious self, then come aboard, because its as vast as a sea, we have no mechanical engine, we have to explore all by our self, meditate and ask the universe to connect you to the power residing inside. I at the same time will try to help you in understanding your subconscious by analysing your hand writing.

You know, the best sample of hand writing are those which are not written to be considered as a sample.What I mean by this is, when you just write down what you feel, you draw your emotional state in the paper, but deliberate attempt to give a sample makes it contagious to critical feeling of being analysed. Therefore make it as pure as possible, if you ask me I would say it would be great if your loved ones send your hand writing to be analysed and later explores it to you.

How to give a sample for Grapho-analysis;

Please submit the handwriting sample of the candidate and take care of the following points for best results;

1. Take 4 pieces of plain un-ruled A4 size paper and staple them together (their must not be margins lines or folds on the paper i.e. an absolutely plain paper)

2. Use your favorite writing instrument, specifically a blue/red ball point pen.

3. The best sample is at least full page. Write anything about yourself or about topics you love to write spontaneously or normally. Don’t copy from book magazine and don’t write poetry or lyrics.

4. Write in your normal style (you should not worry about spelling mistake or grammatical errors). If English is not your first language then please give one more sample (on 4 pieces of plain un-ruled A4 size paper and staple them together) in your native language.

5. If you are under any medication that might affect your handwriting, please mention which one(s)

6. Mention any physical or emotional trauma that you may have suffered in the last twelve months or so that might affect your handwriting, this information would be of help to the analyst.

7. If the writer has given a handwritten application, if possible please send it also as it will be helpful (if the handwritten application is not on plain paper and you cannot ask for a sample again then this application will be fine, but if possible a sample collected as per the instructions would be appreciable).

8. Sign your name as you normally do.

9. Mention your approximate age, sex, and the hand with which you write.

Note: The sample should be written when you are relaxed. Do not drink alcohol before or during the period of writing. Be seated comfortably at a table. If you have more than one styles of writing, include the sample of each.

Send a scan copy to me at my mail id;, you can send the writing sample as an anonymous if you wish but age, sex and occupation are important.

Hopeful to receive your mails soon, thanks.


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