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Showing posts from March, 2014

Mumbai and Me;A Love story K Jo style!!

When I came to Mumbai, my pre-decided notion about this city was like, 'you will get to see hatred in its different form out here'. Whether its some neighborhood -country psychos expressing their rage in trains, buses, hotels, or else the well known vote earning inter state hatred. It was not a proper beginning, I should not have nurtured these in my mind. As the universal law followed, I was presented with those facts which I wanted to see, and inhaled the grumpy gas. My situation was like a 'bloated liver', those ones in which the gas is not coming out either by a burp, or a fart!! And you are stuck in the loop of expectations. Now, when I see transformation of my emotions from angst to love, I can only find its resemblance with K Jo love stories (this not only means his direction but any involvement whatsoever, as I believe he and his "haun haun haun smile" will have these side effects). In his movies KKHH (Rani and Shahrukh), K3G (Hrithik and

Go further to get closer!!

gofurthertogetcloser This one begins with my intentions to post it in a contest at the "Indiblogger" and to win return tickets to London. The best will get to fly that extra miles with his/her love. But aaaaaaaah!!, I could not launch the post in the competition area due to my inadequacy in technical know how. Nevertheless, I will post what I wanted to post even if it does not fetch me a competition participant.  This is about going those miles with your love, the travelling moments, to find out more about your chromosome of dependency on each other, and to explore that the chromosome is made of trust-DNA. Being brought up watching Bollywood movies, we know that great things happen when you travel, especially at the airports, when the aircraft is on the verge of take-off. Such was the impact of those non-orgasmic climax scenes, that similar situation occurred to me involving the air travel.  Why do people go on Honey Moon? , Why do they want to travel with e