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Mumbai and Me;A Love story K Jo style!!

When I came to Mumbai, my pre-decided notion about this city was like, 'you will get to see hatred in its different form out here'. Whether its some neighborhood -country psychos expressing their rage in trains, buses, hotels, or else the well known vote earning inter state hatred. It was not a proper beginning, I should not have nurtured these in my mind. As the universal law followed, I was presented with those facts which I wanted to see, and inhaled the grumpy gas. My situation was like a 'bloated liver', those ones in which the gas is not coming out either by a burp, or a fart!! And you are stuck in the loop of expectations.

Now, when I see transformation of my emotions from angst to love, I can only find its resemblance with K Jo love stories (this not only means his direction but any involvement whatsoever, as I believe he and his "haun haun haun smile" will have these side effects).

In his movies KKHH (Rani and Shahrukh), K3G (Hrithik and Kareena), KHNH (Shahrukh/Preeti), we always find one of the would be's to be irritated at first and  then slowly become the closest in the universe. How can we even think to  escape without mentioning the mother of all, "DDLJ" , where he appointed himself as a trainee to learn this.

[Caution: Do not show this comment about 'DDLJ' to any women in your life. You may face serious verbal assault!!]

So the point is I was irritated with Mumbai for some reason, and before I know, in a non-following process, suddenly one day I found out that I love this city.The looking glass has changed, everything now seemed like a favorable friend!! Some of the pictures I have taken of this city earlier now seem more pleasant and they started to hold a new meaning. 

The following set of 7 pictures consist of their reel association at the top and real scenario at the bottom, so lets begin...

#Shot 1, Take-4 (Aankhe Chaar); 
K Jo love story: The first look scene

"Where the awestruck lover realises she is the one"

I find the Powai lake as a more beautiful water front than others, the picture is not worthy of expressing its beauty, I would request you to use the most powerful moment capturing device in all of the earth, 'The Eye',  to love this!!

#Shot 2, Take-'whatever it may'; 
K Jo love story: The long road ahead scene

When the lover understands that, there is long road ahead to come victorious

The stairs to the Kanheri Caves, the rarest of places within this city, where the land won't be valued any time, although I can't say if somebody gets inspired from the idea of floating mountains of Pandora, and makes some floating residences above this. until then it is a rare place within Mumbai, which won't be residencialized.

#Shot 3, Take-'keep others away'; 
K Jo love story: Lot of others are in line scene

When the lover finds a whole bunch of hunks are in line to woo..

I stay beside the western expressway and feel proud telling people that, if I look out of my window at the wee hours of 3 a.m, I sometime see a clogged road!!

#Shot 4, Take-'counting';
K Jo love story: Getting chances of speaking scene-I

When the lover gets chances to speak with her lady, with her gang around to mess up. Hero gets humiliated but she finds the guy to be unique...thus a interest.

The "Bheer mein tanha feeling" picture, not with a sadist angle but to find that you can be on your own with lot of crowd and traffic around.

#Shot 5, Take-her away;
K Jo love story: Getting chances of speaking scene-II

When the lover gets chances to speak with her alone, emotions bubble up, the lady goes to Switzerland on that night in her dream..

A rare scene of less crowded Juhu beach...

#Shot 6, Take-her hand; 
K Jo love story: The first date scene

The lover is waiting for her.....

The daily local trains of Mumbai, which can be better described as "The support express', where people hanging on the doors are strongly hold by the insiders.

#Shot 7, Take-One umbrella;
K Jo love story: The rainy romantic scene

Where the couple finally admit their bonding over a seductive dance in the rain

Monsoon has reached Mumbai..after being flooded in various water logged situations, walking with zombie-shoes, I don't know when i started loving this..I was eagerly waiting for the rains to happen..Its beautiful.

When one day I found my love & like, I never thought their would be better way to express it than a candy coated love story and hence it followed, I hope you will like it.

If you are resident of this city, or came here for a holiday or you are regular visitor for business purposes, please let us know your likes about this place, as there are a lot, and we would like to feel good with your feel-goods.

Be in love and spread love!! Cheers!!

Disclaimer: The write-up is just for laugh. No intention is involved to harm anyone's reputation while writing, therefore do not get offended and don't inhale the grumpy-gas!!


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