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Why must the baby cry?

Today, I am going to write something, that doesn't belong to the category of the page, but I say, why follow rules, are you here to be ruled, you are unique, and do whatever you want, whatever you like to make others feel peacefully happy.

There are some write-up which you must read, because there are some information which you deserve to know. This is one of them. We all have seen babies born, some of you may have seen in real life, some of you may have in movies.

What is the most common thing of this process,..what is it?.. isn't it the crying baby?

Movies has shown us anxious parents getting relieved with sound of the crying baby from the delivery room, that is shown as the first sign of life of the newborn, that is the signal that everything is ok.

Does it ever crossed your mind, it didn't to me until Desmond Morris, that why on earth a baby would cry to let us know everything is fine, do we ever do that in our life, do we cry to let everyone know that we are fine.


The baby is crying because, it is in pain and panic!!
The baby comes to sense inside the mother's womb during later stages of pregnancy before it sees the world. The child can feel the uterine walls, senses mothers body heat and listens to mothers pounding heart. These are three primary impression of human life on earth. We all felt it, can you recollect, obviously it's in your memory, can you pull up the layers and feel that awesome experience, it would be great, if we can do that.

For every child-warmth, embraces and heartbeat sound signals will always suggest comfort and security, Now, when the baby is born it experiences sudden loss of these vital signals. In a normal delivery procedure, it comes out to a bright light, with metallic sounds of medical instrument and sudden loss of temperature, may be even held upside down and smacked to make its first breath. All that the baby can do is a panic stricken outburst of cry.

Recently developed delivery techniques has shown, how much parental a birth can be. As the baby comes from the birth canal, the room is kept dimly lit, sounds reduced to a minimum, and doctor gently rounds the baby to the mothers belly, provided there are no complications, it is allowed to lie there passively until, it starts to breathe on its own. Then it is moved up to the mothers embrace, other matters are attended only when it recovers from the shock of powerful muscle expulsion.

The method is extraordinary to watch because the baby doesn't scream or panic. Wonderful isn't it..I felt ecstatic when I read it first, and I cordially thank Desmond Morris for opening up such a wonderful thought to us.

Thank you for reading this, Thank you!!


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