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Gandhiji and his chances to become Lord Buddha!!

The legend who experimented with truth, the person who always recognized himself as the Gods most humblest of creation, is in mixed thought at peoples mind today!!..There was a legendary dialogue in the movie 'The dark knight'; goes like.. "either you die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain".. Gandhiji lived long enough!! Though he did not become a villain but his image eroded through years!! and I believe no one but he is responsible for that.

He was right about himself, that he was humblest of the creations by GOD, he was so humble that he thought even recognizing his wonderfulness will not be right. Here are few examples and I quote him;

--"To clothe me with sainthood is too early even if it is possible. I myself do not

feel a saint in any shape or form. But I do feel I am a votary of Truth in spite of
all my errors of unconscious omission and commission"

--"I DO not feel like being one [a Mahatma]. But I do know that I am among the

humblest of God's creatures"

--"Often the title has deeply pained me; and there is not a moment I can recall

when it may be said to have tickled me".

But that is not right, you are wonderful, you are unique and a part of god, acknowledge that. Gandhiji's wonderfulness was not affirmed by himself and resulted in a conflict within him, and that was the reason he was not able to reach that position, he was entitled to be in. Modesty is a blessing but modesty with the 'unique being', what is that?? Modesty is itself, is a designed something, to address a Man who is proper, but there is no properness in the world of GOD. As everything is wonderful and loved.

When I had first seen Gandhiji's hand writing, It did not look like a person's hand writing with enormous capabilities, the writing is threaded to show higher level of intellect, but it also shows that the man lost his due greatness towards humble-ity.

GANDHIJI ON 13.03.1927
This is a hand writing of his early days, the hand writing seems of a person who is at a moral war with himself, always checking himself on the parts of confidence, pride, vanity. The slant of sentences are more downward on the next line, normally it means loss in enthusiasm, but as we are aware, it being untrue, I took the liberty to amalgamate his personal life character with the hand writing to find out more specific traits in the same. A person with his level of tenacity and enthusiasm would have the lines on a upward slant, but I think he checked that to create an extreme moral character, he wished to live in peoples mind for 100 years, although he had the capability to make it 1000.   He underlined "Ahimsa" , to give it more emphasis, even written non-violence after that in bracket, what does it tells us? When we speak with conviction about something, who do we want to convince? We want to convince ourselves, and here he was in a phase to convince "Ahimsa" to himself and its supreme importance.

Here is another sample of his writing, as I understand, it looks like he was placing his request in front of the authority of Jail.

Same trait of non-maintenance of slants, the most interesting part, that while writing 'Could I have it please' , he made the 'I' slim, the way you write I signifies your worth in your eye, therefore he made his humble pleading validated by a slim 'I'. People often mis-judged Gandhiji for these character traits, they thought the man only knows to plead and beg, although he was a fearless person, as practicing non-violence requires highest level of bravery. He was the bravest but had put moral restrictions on himself, criticized himself and as, whatever you think shall come to reality, people criticized him too.

After reaching Dandi

This a handwriting of Gandhi after he reached Dandi in his Salt March, the letter 'b' in the word battle has no bottom, and the bottom part signifies you materialistic desire, therefore it shows that he has no worldly needs associated with the battle, he wants nothing for his body but peace only. The 'open top d' has similar character as open top a or o, i.e person is a speaker in social situation, that is pretty obvious for a leader like him!!

I could have given the title of the write-up as hand writing analysis of Gandhiji, but when I found out what I found out, it seemed to me more important, more important because that is not something what I have read till now. The man with the effort he has given, used too much of his energy in keeping him moral, thus reducing his greatness. He was already true, if all he would have done is to guide humanity, then Gandhiji would have been remembered at the same level with Lord Buddha.


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