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A logical reasoning!!

Hello there!! How are you?? Thank you for stopping by our blog.

The writing that follows are for understanding Graphology from a logical background, for those who have lots of spare time to read anything,.he he!! These stuffs are from people senior to me in these field and I am just copying and pasting it for two reasons;

To let more people believe in Graphology and to keep continuity in this blog as it is a long gap since I have posted last; the funny part is , I don't actually remember from where I have copied this and that is why I am unable give credit goes to details or any external link. This festive season has got into me, could not come up with anything to write, and for the sake of continuity thought of writing that I have nothing to write.

According to Freud, the ego is the part of the mind which contains the consciousness. However, our conscious mind is not always active to the same degree. It’s at its highest level when an effort has to be made by the writer and at its lowest level when the writing motion has gained momentum and is driven "automatically" by the subconscious.The movements involved in deliberate writing are controlled by the primary motor cortex in association with other brain areas involved in planning and executing movements. The form of the resultant act of writing is modified further by coordinated structures in the brain, hand, and arm. While this is most true when we first learn to write, experience and analyses show that the movements and corresponding levels of muscular tension in automatic writing are mostly outside of conscious control, and subject to the ideomotor effect.

Elaine Perliss, Clinical Hypnotherapist and highly sought motivational speaker, is also teacher of graphology, and a handwriting analyst. She taught us everything we know of the subject. Elaine, and various Graphology books provide these interpretations the ideomotor effect is a psychological phenomenon wherein a subject makes motions unconsciously (i.e., without conscious awareness). As in reflexive responses to pain, the body sometimes reacts reflexively to ideas alone without the person consciously deciding to take action. For instance, tears are produced by the body unconsciously in reaction to the emotion of sadness, usually without any intervention of conscious will.William B. Carpenter explained in 1852 his theory that muscular movement can be independent of conscious desires. Automatic writing is seen as a means of gaining insight into the mind of the automatic writer. It is a method of composition that tries to dispense with conscious control or mental censorship, transcribing immediately the promptings of the unconscious mind.

Thank you for going through the article, Cheers!!


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