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Saas, Bahu and Brand Recall!!

I have an MBA degree in Marketing!!

Cheers and clap, like a rock star's entry is not expected. Rather it will be like, some wanna be-confident guy was starting to clap but as he found out he is the only one clapping , it faded exponentially.

The sole purpose was to get a job, when we boarded the 'main vi-main vi' Express. But the railway minister, who announced it, resigned within weeks and  the service discontinued.

'Meri Dulhan toh Naukri thi'!!, but parallely I was infatuated with the creative part, the whole idea of subliminal messages was awesome to me.

Coca-cola being a  predecessor in subliminal advertising, began their journey with sexual feeds to come to the present day where they talk about joy & happiness. There is even vending machines of coca-cola which dispenses a can when you hug it. There is no direct link between a coloured soda  and happiness, but they have been continuously associating the two with their #taglines, 'open happiness', and  # jingles like.."Ummed o wali dhup". Domino's too work on the same track by mentioning that they deliver happiness to our homes.

We use our senses more than what we think we do, and decide not being conscious about them.Therefore being a smart marketer means to know how smart a human is and then smartly use that smartness to launch a product.

The bug of creativity did not just bite me, but had pierced into my body. I was in a true blue marketing dream, who shall be churning out branding strategies and the world shall ask in awe, "who are you soldier??".

aauuugghhh..a burp came out, and I heard a inner voice mocking at a hush tone...

Grudge Monster: Actually the question would be, 'who are you slave??'.

Brand Manager: Slave??..he squeezed the left part of my face and made a slope of my eyebrows saying that.

Grudge Monster:Yes you heard me, you are among the many heroes of the movie, '2 Years a Slave'.The reality denier slave, who increases demand, and pays his own salary to buy that demand. Why are you even fuelling this cycle?

Brand Manager: You jealous, you green idiot!! you know nobody will ever love you and thus you became a hater of social appreciation.

Grudge Monster: I am alone, but I am on my own. When you think something wrong, I grudge. Not like you, who wants to increase the oven's temperature which is grilling him.  


That's Enough!! Don't tease him. Tum Apne kamre me Jao Grudge Monster!! Ye mera Hukhm hai, I said in Prem Chopra Style.

Hmmfff....that's how two of my thought-sprouts fight sometimes, The wanna be brand manager vs  The grudge monster.

Still the bug sometimes asks for my blood, and due to lack of any demand-increasing activity, the Brand Manager in me goes on thinking weird ideas...

How brand recall is revolutionizing Indian soap opera!!

When I thought of writing a post out of it, it started with fun, but eventually it became a fungus to my balls, The enormous amount of bull's rear product was stinking like anything!!.

(N.B:I never smelled bull shit, I wonder how many have?? even can't recall to have seen one dump, but trusted on the words recall value and gone ahead.)

Just have a look at the names, all of them are parts of popular Hindi songs, and can easily be recalled, as it is registered in our brain since long. This is a gem of an idea, It reduces the headache of finding new names and making it acceptable to masses, and uses already acceptable catch phrase. As those songs were all good to the ears and bring pleasant memories, the serials, even before becoming a full fledged show has a sense of pleasant expectation associated with it. That's it, Bingo!!, now the job is only to cater the many marriage conundrum, the ignoring spouse's postulate, the plastic surgery paradigm, and so on. Repeating a head tilt 7 times in slow motion will lead us from one commercial break to another where we will be given a lesson on how make HUL more rich. When people sleep in this soaps, they make faces like baby faking a sleep, with the most proper face and posture human has ever achieved while sleeping. 

There is no point in creating more bubbles out of the soap opera's, after the point is made clear, hence I stop but still I could not forget the amount of pain I had to go through by watching them for research purposes.


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