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51 reasons why Pizza should be our National Food!!

Hello there!! 

Thank you for opening this page!! and sorry as I don't have 51 points, yeah you can blame me that I lured you in to view this, if at all you are lured by the post title.

Recently I have found this type of headings rolling over the Internet, obviously with related stuffs and seen some pro-blogger using this. This I felt as an good attention seeking stunt, to promote the other stuffs I write in my blog and hence I am following that route. Let's go and have a ride.

I didn't had pizza till I was 7pi !! The first experience was such, that it could've single-handedly ended my any further interest of eating it. At the same time, I was damn offended by the high prices for a round bread baked with cheese and vegetables. Then my love made me understand, the reality is not what is shown, it is the choice you make. I have gone with her choice to come out of the eclipse and see glimpse of the marvelous preparation human had developed till now.

Let me serve you with a little comic story I have read recently; my only contribution is to post the story in picture format so that I can use a non-regular font to keep its wackiness; I would also like you to know that, I know what ctrl+J can do, therefore it is by purpose not by ignorance. The name of the story is 'The FBI and Pizza';

If at all you have reached reading up to this; here are few points to confirm why it should be our national food; the logic provided are lame, and they do not want to be critically acclaimed;

# 1. When a food is national, everyone must have the capability to have it and therefore hypocrisy of the short, ' a person can have required food in a daily wage of Rs. 32' eliminates itself. As the minimum price of pizza is around Rs. 50, therefore the limit has to go till Rs. 100 per person, crossing the UN standard for poverty.

# 2. People will consume more calories than now with lesser time spent in cooking and eating, therefore it leads to time+energy at dispense

# 3.  It has to be rewarded for the wonderful thing that it is.

# 4. Uses of LPG will lower, as people will relieve themselves with baked bread and cheese.

# 5. More companies will come into the business, and Katrina Fans will get to see the same "Aamasutra face" in a Pizza advertisement being shot by the Pyramid of Giza. Does it remind you of the video Teri Ore, here is a link( )

# 6. We go very well with anything of Italian Origin, I hope the same is true about pizza.

# 7. Indian Mathematical books want new food items for its questions, they are tired with the apples and lemons.

# 8. Famous cook Pooranjiv kasa, the inventor of Soybean topped Pizza, said Pizza has to be our national food as India wants to get fat.

# 9.  Lady Mama, whose pee is going to be bottled as perfume, strongly supported the cause. Sources revealed, she wants a chance to wear pizza at her next performance here. That's all Wacky-bruce!!

When I asked Teja Saab (The Time-Less Face of Frustration) about my new write-up, he has something to say as this;

Teja Saab asks you to like his page in Facebook " The time-less face of frustation"


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