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Coffe with Dr. Freud!! (Part-I)

I have reached Vienna!! I have always wanted to visit this city, the art and cultural capital of new age Europe, also the good news is Dr. Freud has accepted my request for a conversation over a coffee, and been kind enough to my brave attempt to analyze his hand writing.

Me: Guten Morgen Herr Freud!!

FreudGuten Morgen!!, What is your name again young Man??

Me: Its Anirban Herr Freud!!

Freud: How do you pronounce it? he asked me while lighting a cigar.

Me: I don't know sir if may say, may be like "Aunierbahn"

Freud: Hah Hah!! That's a good one.

Me: In which category does it falls sir; joke, comic or mimetic? (According to Freud there are three categories to humor)

Freud: Oh ok, It seems that you have read my articles!!

Me: Yes Sir!! and that light moment with my know how in his research allowed me a leeway to ask for his hand writing sample.

Me: Sir, may I have.., I did not complete my sentence as I see his butler coming toward us with coffee and a file, I expressed my gratefulness for already arranging for the sample. Freud did not say anything as he was grossed in the coffee and the atmosphere, We were in the woods, making a temporary sitting arrangement at the Bellevue-Hohe, Dr's most favorite place looking over all of Vienna.

Then Freud told me in a sharp analytic voice; 

Freud: What qualifies you to analyze my writing kid?

Me: My passion sir, which already allowed me to receive a sample from you!! Further to add, I have already analysed handwriting's of Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Mohd Ali, princess Diana, and Elizabeth Taylor. (If you are a first time visitor, please see my earlier write-ups)

And if I quote like you ; " A man like me, can not live without a hobby-horse, a tyrant, I have found my tyrant, and in his service I know no limits, my tyrant is graphology"

Freud: I see, you give a lot of emphasis on impressing someone, do you know, it links unsatisfied childhood needs of recognition.

Me: You may say it in that way, but I feel the thoughts that I have entertained in my past is responsible for my present behavior, We are the creator of ourselves, and we are someone more greater than our id, ego, and superego.

IF I may be blunt to you, I do not buy your theories, which defined human as a depot of sexual urges, and other subliminal secret drive.

And if you see the recent thinking, the trend is against you;

As W.H. Auden wrote in his 1973 poem, In Memory of you, "if often he was wrong and, at times, absurd, to us he is no more a person now but a whole climate of opinion."

"His ideas grew out of society. He mirrored in his theories the belief that women were secondary and were not the norm and didn't quite measure up to the norm," she explained (Gretel, 2003)- Sophie Freud
Freud: Mr. Anirban, don't you think that I already know that??

My ideas evolved at that time of history, and I have started the journey to go deep inside human mind, you can not complain!!, somebody has to go through these roads, otherwise the bigger truth would never have came to us.

Me: Yes sir, agree, somebody with an analytic mind like yours, had to begin the journey, otherwise, we could have never come to know how beautiful we are!! 

At the same time, sir, we graphologists are highly in debt to you for allowing explanations of graphology through Ideomotor phenomenon. 

Freud nodded in response, and puffed out a lot of smoke.

I continued...

I believe the present day is the era of marketing, people are desperate to earn money to buy things, that is a great state compared to the earlier centuries.  Your ideas of how desire works, are applied in everywhere from branding of a product to packaging. 

You are right son!! My ideas are used to generate desire and ultimate goal of happiness and freedom, but in this process people will understand this is not the way they can generate happiness, something perishable can not generate happiness, until and unless you feel attached to the infinite.

Me: That is so nice to hear from you sir.

Freud: OK..son, time for me to have a evening walk, send me your analysis about my mind in those days, it will be a fun to read. Meet me if you again come here sometime.

Me: Thank you sir for your time..Thank you!! 

To be Continued to Part-II for analyses of Dr. Freud's Handwriting....


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