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3 Desires of recent times!!

No No No..Please don't go by the heading !!!

I did not wanted to pull up a Chetan Bhagat here. It was by design of the incidents, not by choice!!

I was craving for some moments, some specific leisure's.

The view of a rising sun,  from pitch black night to the diffusion of scattered lights in the eastern sky, emerges the red round Star. One of the most soothing experience your eyes can ever have!! 

The second one on the list was a stroll, or a ride through some lonely tracks, without any words, only for my brain to feel nothing for some moment, to drown my brain in sublime nothingness.

And when we boarded a Mercedes Benz multi axle semi sleeper (MBMASS), the senior among the lot has got fulfilled.

wow!!, It might be weird but I feel amazing to utter : 'Mercedes Benz multi axle semi sleeper',  from the time I have started working, I was forced to have various opportunities to travel in long distance Bus routes with seater and sleeper arrangements.

In the seater, the neck never stays at the curve made for it, the leg sores after 3 hours, but that seemed wonderful when I came to know the hell that is the sleeper class. My first experience rated itself as the last immediately after the trip.If you're travelling solo you have to share the bunk with an unknown person, your asses will brush, you crotches will be alarmed, and the whole gastro system will be swinging from head to the abdomen.

All through out my sleeping and seating experiences of bus travel , I heard about the Multi axle semi sleepers, my friends traveled to Hyderabad and Bangalore and Ahmadabad, and returned with glee full expressions.
semi sleepers has became an object of desire, not only that, it has to be 'Mercedes Benz multi axle semi sleeper'.

So many days of waiting manifested in a wonderful experience but I did not knew all of them would happen at once to fill me with sheer happiness.

Me and my love were travelling to Shrirampur, a place in Maharashtra where the Railway station, Bus stand and adjacent market is the single crowded place.

We traveled from Mumbai to Shirdi on a M.B.M.A.S.S, and although the seat was not working properly, my overjoyed self did not care about it. Getting micro sleeps through out the route we reached Shirdi, it was 4.45 am and surprisingly 45 min before schedule. We had planned to take a Rickshaw ride for the next 40 km. The first Rickshawalah we caught, said nobody will go that side at this time, services start after 8. I was not bothered, we waited and another person agreed and it was time for my other two desires.

The rickshaw was going through a road where it was the only vehicle, no street lights, fields meeting sky on both the sides. A truck or two, a home sometimes, few people waking up, emptying bowel on the road side, overall a voyage in the darkness with no visible sign of light nearby and when I think now, it was something to be a little worried of but I wasn't. I was not worried , as my other desires were near me. The nothingness of the moment, the dawn-lights,  never heard of anything called worry. I was holding her in my arms as she was sleeping, and every cell of my being rejoiced. Every pulse inside my body was harmonious. I could feel the air going inside me to wake up my nerves and I lived every bit of that moment.

*Thank you*...I could listen my heart was saying...*Thank you*



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