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How to love someone close !! (When they are mad at you for no reason)

Has it ever happened with you!!

That thing, that needled-ass anger. Although it depends up on what type of anger rules you!!

Lets have a look at some of the rulers..

Democratic-Anger: Lets you think that you are in control, but erodes you from inside.

Autocratic-Anger: Makes you annoyed with every molecule in the entire universe.

Communist-Anger: The world feels you are becoming The Hulk, and you feel it is for the balance of nature. 

Fascist-Anger: Gets you angry whenever it wants and later you feel depressed for that fact. 

Capitalist-Anger: Whenever someone pokes their nose in your 'Business',and then your anger nuke that poke out of them.

D'Anger: The D is silent. This is not a ruler rather an assassin, Creates a mood to destroy everything at that moment, specializes in killing relations.

Don't bother about choosing your ruler, when we start choosing our emotion they (Read: The Ruler's) do not exist. Lets get back to our discussion....

You're cool and passing your time burning minimum calories. Being unaware that you are going to get stormed by allegation, which you have never facilitated. Your coolness, your lazily nurtured relaxation immediately poofs with a 'I don't deserve it' attitude.

What the hell? Can't they bear your solace!!

Your calmness wants to retain itself but layers after layers are pealed by your 'Raging-Dear'. And suddenly you find yourself ready with your imaginary horns.

We are so engrossed with our watching and thinking capabilities, that until we see something physically we do not accept its presence. A thought is thought to be less powerful than an action, and an action is believed to be less powerful than the outcome. 

When only the opposite is true!!

The muscles/nerves are puppets in the hand of a belief, the mind creates a thought, which manufactures a particular set of neuropeptides and we feel some emotion. Each thought is also responsible for creating its own neural network, when it is repeated the network becomes stronger for faster response to the phenomena. 

If we align our brain networks to show disgust in every situations, afterwards no matter what happens outside, the mostly used network will become so dominant, that it will create illusion which favors its beliefs. So you see, if we train them to show love irrespective of situation, over the time our hypothalamus will only create pep-tides responsible for Love and we won't feel the necessity of 'judgement' and 'winning an argument' when we know how to emit love. 

This idea can be practiced with everyone but we can start with the ones we love, as both controlling and losing the temper is easy around them. 

Today we are so much result oriented, that we don't bother about the actions or thought which lead to it. When some human/animals or other visible externalities attack our near ones we understand our responsibility to save them. But whenever they are attacked by some odd emotion/ thought we generally seem to withdraw the support and unknowingly let that ill emotion grab us. 

Whenever someone close gets angry, its not that they are enjoying that, if it can be visualized, it is like some croc dragging their leg to dip them in water. The only difference is, when they are angry they don't scream HELP!!

What will you do if you see one of your 'closy' facing something similar?

I know, if you're mentally stable, the question does not deserve an answer.

If rather than giving a equal or greater reaction to their anger, we start fighting with the real villain who is ruling their mind, everyone will save their time'n energy.  

When we know the schema of the emotional cycle and creating the emotion is in our hand. What is stopping us from doing that, Nothing I guess!!

Lets celebrate the magnificent, that is received being an Human!!

Thank you for reading this!!

Credit: What the bleep do we know, The movie


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