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দশ হাজার পেজ ভিউ !! হঠাত একদিন সিলিং আর দেয়াল এর ৯০ ডিগ্রী ভাঁজ এ তাকিয়ে পাসওয়ার্ড মনে করে  ঢুকে দেখি দশহাজার পেজ ভিউ সেকি?? লেখা লেখির আমেজ তা অনেক দিন হলো আসেনা, আমার মস্তিস্ক এখন  সমাজ যাকে বলে কাজের জিনিস তাই নিয়ে বেশ ব্যস্ত, আমার সাধের when the boss is not there  মোমেন্ট গুলো আর নেই, এখান নিজেই নিজের বস হয়ে নিজেকে নিমজ্জিত রেখেছি। গিয়ে দেখি সুদুর  ইউক্রেইন্ থেকে প্রচুর বার অকারণে আমার ওয়েবসাইট এ আসা হযেছে, আর প্রথম লেখা টিকে বারংবার পরা হযেছে,  যদিও আমি সেটিকে অত আদর দেখানোর কারণ বলতে পারবনা। মনে হয় এগুলি স্প্যাম এর অবৈধ আদর. যাই হোক আমার নিষ্ঠার অবর্তমানেও কেও আমাকে অবৈধ ভাবে stalk করে এই ব্লগ এর ইঞ্জিন চালু রেখেছে। আবার কবে কোন উটকো ইচ্ছার বশবর্তী হয়ে লেখা শুরু করলে ফার্স্ট গিয়ার্ এ চলে যাওয়া কঠিন হবেনা। ইন্টারনেট সমাজ বহির্ভূত নয়, তাই অবৈধ ভিউস গুলোকে ধর্তব্যের মধ্যে আনা হইনি, বিভিন্ন ব্লগ সাইট, গুগল, ট্রাফিক মনিটরিং সাইট,আমার সাইট এর অস্তিত্ব খুঁজে পেতে অস্বীকার করছে। আমি তাদের কে বলতে পারি,"সমদর্শী প্রভু মোরে অবগুণ চিত না ধারো ", কিন্তু সে গলা আম

Saas, Bahu and Brand Recall!!

I have an MBA degree in Marketing!! Cheers and clap, like a rock star's entry is not expected. Rather it will be like, some wanna be-confident guy was starting to clap but as he found out he is the only one clapping , it faded exponentially. The sole purpose was to get a job, when we boarded the ' main vi-main vi ' Express. But the railway minister, who announced it, resigned within weeks and  the service discontinued. 'Meri Dulhan toh Naukri thi' !!, but parallely I was infatuated with the creative part, the whole idea of subliminal messages was awesome to me. Coca-cola being a  predecessor in subliminal advertising, began their journey with sexual feeds to come to the present day where they talk about joy & happiness. There is even vending machines of coca-cola which dispenses a can when you hug it. There is no direct link between a coloured soda  and happiness, but they have been continuously associating the two with their #taglines, 'op

My Role Model !!!

The legend whom I admire to be my role model, is admired by many, but it took a lot of bravery to write myself being a follower of the enormous persona. Can we just announce about a person being my role model? when we say he/she is our role model,we  must be sure that it is not some false marketing trick you are playing with yourself. You understand the gravity of the statement, not just for a social applause you declare a fallacy. You are already walking on that path with love and conviction. My Role Model is not a single person, rather they are two different people by there name, appearance, and everything worldly, But only one when we look at their thought system and their work. Question arises that if you think both of them to be one, why follow them together? Its because, when you look at both of their time span of work in this world, you get a era of 100 years of social revolution by Men , who were most clear regarding what is right. What is right? How c

3 Desires of recent times!!

No No No..Please don't go by the heading !!! I did not wanted to pull up a Chetan Bhagat here. It was by design of the incidents, not by choice!! *** I was craving for some moments, some specific leisure's. The view of a rising sun,  from pitch black night to the diffusion of scattered lights in the eastern sky, emerges the red round Star. One of the most soothing experience your eyes can ever have!!  The second one on the list was a stroll, or a ride through some lonely tracks, without any words, only for my brain to feel nothing for some moment, to drown my brain in sublime nothingness. And when we boarded a Mercedes Benz multi axle semi sleeper (MBMASS) , the senior among the lot has got fulfilled. wow!!, It might be weird but I feel amazing to utter : ' Mercedes Benz multi axle semi sleeper',   from the time I have started working, I was forced to have various opportunities to travel in long distance Bus routes with seater and sleeper arrangemen

How to love someone close !! (When they are mad at you for no reason)

Has it ever happened with you!! That thing, that needled-ass anger. Although it depends up on what type of anger rules you!! *** Lets have a look at some of the rulers.. Democratic-Anger : Lets you think that you are in control, but erodes you from inside. Autocratic-Anger : Makes you annoyed with every molecule in the entire universe. Communist-Anger : The world feels you are becoming The Hulk, and you feel it is for the balance of nature.  Fascist-Anger : Gets you angry whenever it wants and later you feel depressed for that fact.  Capitalist-Anger : Whenever someone pokes their nose in your 'Business',and then your anger nuke that poke out of them. D'Anger : The D is silent.   This is not a ruler rather an assassin,   Creates a mood to destroy everything at that moment, specializes in killing relations. *** Don't bother about choosing your ruler, when we start choosing our emotion they (Read: The Ruler's) do not exist. Let

"After Going further!! - A sequel"

Hey Buddy!! Heyy buddy bud bud!! *** I don't call my friends like that, I feel real odd, all this "dude" and "Man" ,they make me ditch my calmness. Aaaand that "Boss", oh that "Boss", the "Boss" is superlative!!, in today's world of corporate structures, in the "you owe me as we pay you" culture, people call 'boss' to those, whom they pay the least of respect.  The term is a pseudo-slang, when people call you by that name, be sure that he does not mean any respect to you, the thinking is, you may feel yourself to be a 'Honu' (An August) , When I feel you to be a 'Nunu' (A kids Phallus in Bengali, small and not up to the mark for its job).  Courtesy: Google Image But Buddy is different, its gooey, you can give a peck to your buddy without being called a pervert. Still I can't say it face to face, like I can't pee with somebody standing behind me!! However h ere it i

Mumbai and Me;A Love story K Jo style!!

When I came to Mumbai, my pre-decided notion about this city was like, 'you will get to see hatred in its different form out here'. Whether its some neighborhood -country psychos expressing their rage in trains, buses, hotels, or else the well known vote earning inter state hatred. It was not a proper beginning, I should not have nurtured these in my mind. As the universal law followed, I was presented with those facts which I wanted to see, and inhaled the grumpy gas. My situation was like a 'bloated liver', those ones in which the gas is not coming out either by a burp, or a fart!! And you are stuck in the loop of expectations. Now, when I see transformation of my emotions from angst to love, I can only find its resemblance with K Jo love stories (this not only means his direction but any involvement whatsoever, as I believe he and his "haun haun haun smile" will have these side effects). In his movies KKHH (Rani and Shahrukh), K3G (Hrithik and

Go further to get closer!!

gofurthertogetcloser This one begins with my intentions to post it in a contest at the "Indiblogger" and to win return tickets to London. The best will get to fly that extra miles with his/her love. But aaaaaaaah!!, I could not launch the post in the competition area due to my inadequacy in technical know how. Nevertheless, I will post what I wanted to post even if it does not fetch me a competition participant.  This is about going those miles with your love, the travelling moments, to find out more about your chromosome of dependency on each other, and to explore that the chromosome is made of trust-DNA. Being brought up watching Bollywood movies, we know that great things happen when you travel, especially at the airports, when the aircraft is on the verge of take-off. Such was the impact of those non-orgasmic climax scenes, that similar situation occurred to me involving the air travel.  Why do people go on Honey Moon? , Why do they want to travel with e

Coffee with Dr. Freud (Part-II) / Analyzing the Analyzer!!

Hello!!, How are you? I assume that you would also ask me...!!, because I have something in store to tell you. I got M A R R I E D !!! The process began with all the Shaktis in my family applying moist turmeric paste all over my face, I had to take rounds in a circle of cotton thread made by them..and so on. It was not like the things were done for me, they were done around me..the person is not the primary, the rituals are, they are more powerful, I felt that and seen it within all the attendees. It is the most wonderful thing to happen to you, may whatever be in your stock of experiences, you will be able to see if you want to see, those things beyond that can be seen. The rituals are the same, the pair of human changes.  we are really grateful that many of you showed interest in reading our blog while we were actively inactive with the outer world. We had to return to our 9-2-5's and I got back my moments of "When the boss is not looking" and